June 2, 2020

Statement to Students

JUNE 2, 2020

From VP of Student Affairs Vince Miller:

bet365亚洲官网 Students,

Recently, Valdosta State University was made aware of an inappropriate and offensive social media post attributed to one of our students.

It is outrageous that this type behavior continues during a time when so many of us are confronted with issues related to racial bias, safety, and physical health. The content of this image, in any context, is not something that I, President Carvajal, nor members of the university community condone. Furthermore, it defies the principles of civility, integrity, and citizenship upheld in the Blazer Creed.

I can assure you that whenever we become aware of possible incidents of racial bias, they are taken seriously. In each case, the Student Affairs leadership team meets to thoroughly review the incident and discuss and determine our next course of action.

As an advocate for our students, I want to affirm our institution’s commitment to building a more inclusive community, one where each member of the Blazer Nation feels that they are heard and valued. I am saddened and angered that you must deal with this act of racism while also enduring the negative effects of a global health pandemic and violence across our country. As a result, I want to create a space for dialogue on this topic.

I invite you to participate in a Brave Space conversation hosted by Student Diversity and Inclusion this week. This was originally scheduled for June 17, but has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 4 at 6:00 PM, given the current state of affairs locally and across the country. Instructions for joining the Microsoft Teams conversation will be forthcoming via email and social media (@ValdostaState).

Dr. Vince Miller
Vice President of Student Affairs
