Post-masters work transferred to the program may count up to 9 hours toward chosen concentration as guided electives. Concentrations noted below. All courses are 3 credit hour courses, except RSCH 9871 and delivered ONLINE. 

Minimum Total of Semester Hours: 55 Coursework and Dissertation Hours

博士 Seminar
首次下降 First Spring First Summer
铅9030 Leadership Problems: Interdisciplinary Analysis 铅9010 Seminar in Organizational Leadership 铅9040 Organizational Theory, Culture, and Leadership 
RSCH 9800 Research Design and Foundations RSCH 9840 Quantitative Research Methods (Prerequisite 9800) 建造于9000年 Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
博士 Seminar
第二个秋天 Second Spring Second Summer
cy 9100 Curriculum and Instructional Systems  *选修 or cy 9400 成人 Learning Strategies (For students with transfer credits) cy 9400 成人 Learning Strategies
RSCH 9820 Qualitative Research Methods (Prerequisite 9800) 铅9020 Planning and Change for Leaders  



RSCH 9871 Planning for Dissertation (1 hour)

If Elective requirements met:

***Advanced Research RSCH 9850 or RSCH 9860

*** RSCH 9872 Dissertation Conceptualization (Prerequisites RSCH 9820, 9840, Co-requisites RSCH 9830, 9850, or RSCH 9860 

三年级 & 除了
第三个秋天 Third Spring & 除了 Third Summer & 除了
*** Advanced Research ** 铅9999 Dissertation  (must be continuously registered for dissertation hours) ** 铅9999 Dissertation  (must be continuously registered for dissertation hours)
*** RSCH 9872 Dissertation Conceptualization (Prerequisites RSCH 9820, 9840, Co-requisites RSCH 9830, 9850, or RSCH 9860 

* 9 hours of electives in Leadership related courses. 选修课 (3) may be transferred with advisor approval. 选修课 may be taken at other times based on student need and availability of courses.

** 9 Hours of dissertation credit (铅9999) are required to graduate, and you will enroll in at least two hour s of 铅9999 credits until you complete your dissertation and graduate

***Your advanced research course must be taken concurrently with RSCH 9872.

选修课 may be taken during any semester of the program. 9 hours of guided electives are required for a Concentration. Transfer credit MUST meet the requirements for the candidate’s concentration and must be approved by the advisor and 研究生 School.

Concentrations covered in this schedule: Organizational Leadership, Curriculum Leadership, Higher Education Leadership, Technology Leadership, Special Education Leadership. For the concentration in Educational Leadership see Program of Study for Tier I and Tier II.