The scholarships are used to provide scholarship funds for the education of poor and deserving (must have a FAFSA on file with the Office of 金融援助) Christian girls who are residents of the following states: Alabama, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州, 北卡罗莱纳, 南卡罗来纳, Tennessee and Virginia, and are nursing students at bet365亚洲官网. This scholarship award has an award limit of two semesters. The scholarship is available fall and spring semesters with respective deadlines of April 1st 及十一月一日st. Students may be selected to receive the award more than once if they continue to meet the criteria set forth in this agreement.

General Requirements for all recipients (In addition to the criteria above)

  1. Recipient must possess and maintain a 3.0的绩点.
  2. Recipient must submit a personal statement (500 word count limit) about how this award and participation activities will advance the recipient’s nursing career and improve the recipient’s community.
  3. Recipient must sign a scholarship agreement that commits the recipient to completing all scholarship requirements as outlined below. Failure to complete all requirements will revoke an applicant’s ability to be considered for the award 在 future and will require the repayment of all scholarship funds prior to the beginning of the subsequent semester.
  4. Recipient must demonstrate financial need.
  5. Recipient must submit a letter of recommendation from 2 different bet365亚洲官网 faculty (on official letterhead)
  6. Recipient must participate in a brief video thanking the LPW Foundation

Additional Requirements for Seniors (In addition to the general requirements)

  1. Recipient must participate in one Open House/Campus tours or recruitment events 在 semester the award is received.
  2. Recipient must participate in 20 hours of undergraduate student tutoring by volunteering at the Academic Support Center semester the award is received.

Additional Requirements for Juniors (In addition to the general requirements)

  1. Recipient must participate 8 hours in community service activities 在 South 乔治亚州 在 semester the award is received. (Student must secure their community service activities within one month of receiving the scholarship):
    • Partnership for Health
    • 当地食物银行
    • 收容所
    • Habitat for humanity
    • Langdale Hospice House
    • American Cancer Society
    • 社区 soup kitchen
    • Battered Women’s Organization
    • Or any other agency as approved by the scholarship committee

       2. Recipient must participate in 10 hours of undergraduate student tutoring by volunteering at the Academic Support Center semester the award is received.

       3. Recipient must participate in one Open House/Campus tour or recruitment event 在 semester the award is received.

Additional Requirements for Pre-Nursing Students (In addition to the general requirements)

Recipient must participate 16 hours in community service activities 在 South 乔治亚州 region 在 semester the award is received. (Student must secure their community service activities within one month of receiving the scholarship):

  1. Partnership for Health
  2. 当地食物银行
  3. 收容所
  4. Habitat for humanity
  5. Langdale Hospice House
  6. American Cancer Society
  7. 社区 soup kitchen
  8. Battered Women’s Organization
  9. Or any other agency as approved by the scholarship committee

To apply for this and other scholarships, visit the CONHS online scholarship application